PC Gaming have provided us a larger spread to choose from. Gamers of all ages and interests can find a PC game that suits them. PCs are for the most part much more powerful machines than consoles. PCs can therefore support much heavier games. Consoles cannot yield the same gameplay, speed and graphics.

In the 80’s home PC gaming was all the rage. The commodore 64 and Atari were taking the world by storm. When the Sega Saturn and Nintendo 64 hit the scene in the 90s, sales of PC games fell sharply until they regained  popularity in the 2000’s.

By the time we reached 2010, the market exploded. Platforms such as Steam and Twitch were gaining attention. Gamers were not only choosing to play on PC instead of consoles. The fans has such an affect on the culture that the platforms being built around the online features of the game could only be used on PC.

PC Gaming is said to have an edge over console gaming due to its processing power, the openness of the platform it runs on and increased flexibility. On the other-hand PC Gaming had reduced security, increased hardware cost and technical complexity.

The last few years has seen a steep curve creators and developers investing more in making games for PCs. The industry additionally saw PC manufacturers focusing more on gaming. They are building these computers with the focus on gaming with the ability to support advanced speed and graphics. The main difference between today’s console and PC is the power of the CPU and the video card. Open operating systems will always be in competition with the locked down security of the console. Both PC Gaming and Consoles are seeing massive competition from the world of mobile gaming.

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Review: Assassin's Creed IV: Black Flag

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